
Veit Aschenbrenner Architekten

Catholic Church

Oberrohrbach (AT), 2004

Oberrohrbach is a small town north of Vienna. The region is affected by gentle hills of alpine and carpathian foreland and the Danube va...

LP architektur

Peneder Basis Office Building

Atzbach, 2010

In this spacious new building in the small community of Atzbach the successful Upper Austrian family business could integrate their satel...

Heidl Architekten

City Cemetery St. Martin

Linz, 2008

The redesign of the funeral chapel and service areas of the St. Martin City Cemetery in Linz demonstrates Heidl’s ability to not on...

Heidl Architekten

Town centre Sarleinsbach

Sarleinsbach, 2012

Sarleinsbach, a village of 2300 inhabitants situated in the upper Muehlviertel decided in 2005 to revitalise the city centre regarding ar...



Hard, 2005

Planungsauftrag und Wunsch der Pfarre Hard war ein angemessener gemeinschaftlicher Ort für Veranstaltungen und Zusammenkünfte s...


KIGA Kindergarden and Church Center

St. Anton, 2004

The compact structure of the mainly one-storied-high nursery school is situated in the northern corner of the site where a second storey ...

Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler

Kirche St. Michael in Heiligenstadt

1190 Wien, 2010

Gutachterverfahren 2009; 1. Platz Der Altarraum – die Basis der liturgischen Handlungen – schwebt über de...

Hans Hohenfellner


Schlins, 1999

Bauherr: Pfarre Schlins Planer: DI Arch. Hans Hohenfellner Mitarbeit: DI Hansjörg Thum Daten Wettbewe...

Hans Hohenfellner


Nenzing, 1997

Bauherr: Pfarrei Nenzing Daten Wettbewerb 1. Preis September 1994 Entwurf: cand.arch Andreas Cukrowizc/Anto...

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