黒雲母かくせん石せんりょく岩 / CBGM008
ざくろ石両雲母花崗岩 / CBGM003
安山岩 / CBGM0001
普通輝石かんらん石玄武岩 / CBGM002
ざくろ石両雲母花崗岩 / CBGM003
玄武岩 - 富士火山 / CBGM004
白雲母石英片岩 / CBGM005
ダンかんらん岩 / CBGM006
りょくでい石かくせん石片岩 / CBGM007
黒雲母かくせん石せんりょく岩 / CBGM008
玄武岩 - 西之島火山 / CBGM009
アルカリ長石流紋岩 / CBGM010
ナノ化石-ココリス / CBGM011
フズリナ石灰岩 / CBGM013
かいりょく石砂岩 / CBGM012

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) / COLLABORATIONS

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In collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the complex and dynamic expression spun by the Earth's record from 300 million years ago to the present day. The lineup consists of 13 pieces using microscopic photographs of rocks.
Utilizing AIST's technical consulting services, microscopic photographs of rocks were taken with the cooperation of the Geological Museum of Japan. From there, they were boldly scaled up more than 700 times to the size of wallpaper. From rocks formed 300 million years ago to rocks from the time when dinosaurs lived, to rocks from new islands created by undersea eruptions in the modern age.
The fascination spun out with the memory of the earth is cut out from a microscopic viewpoint and expressed from a new angle.

Other Projects by WhO

Patia Akihabara / Rental kitchen space
Tokyo, Japan
WhO Interior Sheet
La Touche Originale
Papier Tigre / Collaborations