Photo © Laboratorio Permanente
Photo © Laboratorio Permanente
Dessin © Laboratorio Permanente
A scheme represents the strategy; the current situation and the project one. Today: a longitudinal relationship between the waterfront and the lake; tomorrow: the lake and the lakeside promenade are connected by a transversal connection
Dessin © Laboratorio Permanente
Dessin © Laboratorio Permanente
Dessin © Laboratorio Permanente

Como World Garden - competition by invitation to design the Como waterfront

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Nicola Russi, Angelica Sylos Labini, Sara Salvemini, Marco Corazza
Serena Forti
ANASTASI SA Ingegneria
Mobility In Chain Srl
Sylos Labini Ingegneri Associati

Como, Italy, 2009

The world famous Como waterfront has been designed as a new contemporary garden, an opportunity for citizens to experience nature from an aesthetic and emotional point of view. From the city, our eyes are free to roam until the horizon, following the curves of the garden’s elements. A rhythm set by the progressive use of materials, measures, and shapes that are different one from the other, and which distinguishes both the architectural and the garden projects, bringing that complexity typical of a mansion’s garden to the scale of a whole city.

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Viktor Pivovarov Exhibition - “The Snail’s Trail” art exhibition
Moscow, Russie
The Cliff - temporary set up for a conference room and bar
Moscow, Russie
Nina Lumer #1 - art gallery in the heart of Milan
Milano, Italie